Great news! I have successfully passed the part 2 of the 3 required tests to become an fully qualified ADI.

The ADI part 2 test is basically a practical exam to ensure I am able to actually drive the vehicle to a standard considered higher than your average driver. The exam itself is longer and more intensive than any normal driving test and i’m quite relieved to have passed it with only 2 minor faults.

This means I can now teach for free and also means I can book my part 3 exam (this is the actual teaching element of the tests).

The part 3 exam requires me to have a student in the driving seat while I demonstrate my capabilities to the examiner on setting up and providing a structured lesson, while being able to identify and work on any faults which may arise with or around the student. All of this is to prove I am aware and competent in being able to adapt a lesson if necessary, give adequate and timely instruction and help the student learn something new about the world of driving in every lesson.

If you’d like to be considered as a student for my exam please contact me using the form below:-